La Musica/음악/MJ

마이클잭슨 미발표곡,미공개곡 듣기 (Michael Jackson - Seeing Voices) - 서정적인 왈츠 곡

Rio F 2015. 10. 24. 16:19



마이클잭슨 미발표곡,미공개곡 듣기 (Michael Jackson - Seeing Voices) -아름답고 서정적인 왈츠 곡



제 블로그를 통해 이미 수도 없이 말씀드렸듯이 저는 25년째 마이클 잭슨 팬입니다.


그의 사후에도 이런 팬심에는 변화가 없구요.


오히려 요즘 세대의 인스턴트 같은 음악을 들으면 그가 더욱 더 그리워지곤 합니다.



아무튼 오늘은 비교적 최근 접하게 된 마이클잭슨의 미발표곡인 Seeing Voices 란 곡을 소개해 드리려고 합니다.








이 곡은 1999년에 녹음된 곡이며 Sidney Fine(시드니 파인)과 마이클잭슨이 공동으로 작곡한 곡입니다.


The Ray Charles Choir 가 핏쳐링을 했구요.



영상 속에도 가사가 적혀있지만 다시 한 번 알려드릴께요.




"Seeing Voices"


I sing of what you see and might think about
Because of what you see.
Moving hands, mobile faces
Where by the eye
Not the ear traces what's on the mind

So when you see hands
Weaving the space between friends.
Think of them as being
As though you were seeing voices
Speech without sound face to face, hands unbound
Weaving the space between friends
So, think of them as being
As though you were seeing voices.

Believe it they ramble on exactly as we would
And talking with someone we know
And even they stumble on expressions as we would
And talking with anyone.


When you see hands weaving
The space between friends
think of them as telling or asking
Or spelling out choices
So think of hands as being
As though you are seeing voices.

Think of them as being
As though they were seeing voices.
Speech without sound face to face, hands unbound
Weaving the space between friends
So, think of them as being
As though you were seeing voices.

So think of them as telling or asking
Or spelling out choices
Just think of hands as being
As though you were seeing, voices




어떻게 들으셨나요? 진부한 표현일지 모르겠지만 천사의 목소리인 것 같아요.


문득 그가 그립군요. 이젠 돌아갈 수 없는 10대,20대 시절 만큼이나.....